Hominem took part in the conference organised the European Commission on 15-16 March in Brussels to celebrate 10 years of existence of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
During the two days event, the achievements of a decade of cooperation on the EQF were presented and a deep look was taken at the challenges and opportunities of the future.
From our side, we had a special interest in the workshops related to the recognition and validation of competences acquired through non-formal and informal ways.
Indeed, these topics are very closely linked to our international LEVER UP project and in that respect the conference was a real opportunity to disseminate the project objectives and future results, extend our network of users at European and international levels, and finally to gather expertise for future developments.
LEVER UP is a funded project by the European Commission aiming at Valuing informal learning and transversal competences experienced in the voluntary service to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility.