
10Jul 2018

The EDUCULTURE project has reached its final phase with the development of the English version of the e-learning course on “Managing multicultural classes”, and after carrying out the relevant testing ativities. We are, therefore, very close to making available to all educators/trainers and schools the final product so they can use it online! Continue reading

20Mar 2018

Hominem joins IT Professionalism Europe (ITPE), an organisation set up and supported by CEPIS and ECDL Foundation with the aim of promoting and furthering IT professionalism in Europe, becoming a forum for networking and exchange of experience on topics around IT professionalism and gathering all relevant stakeholders to contribute to the above mentioned.

It has set out to promote and become a forum for networking around IT professionalism.

By becoming a member of the ITPE network as member, Hominem will engage actively in being part of this dynamic through real contributions and expertise at European level.

19Mar 2018

Hominem took part in the conference organised the European Commission on 15-16 March in Brussels to celebrate 10 years of existence of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
During the two days event, the achievements of a decade of cooperation on the EQF were presented and a deep look was taken at the challenges and opportunities of the future.

From our side, we had a special interest in the workshops related to the recognition and validation of competences acquired through non-formal and informal ways.

Indeed, these topics are very closely linked to our international LEVER UP project and in that respect the conference was a real opportunity to disseminate the project objectives and future results, extend our network of users at European and international levels, and finally to gather expertise for future developments.

LEVER UP is a funded project by the European Commission aiming at Valuing informal learning and transversal competences experienced in the voluntary service to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility.

04Oct 2017

We have met with our european partners in Italy to launch the LEVER UP project. The meeting was organised by “Fondazione Politécnico di Milano”, on 25 and 26 September.

The partners debated the overall project work program, which will last 27 months and will produce several outputs  that will complete and improve those already obtained under the LEVER project, finalised in December 2016. Continue reading

20Ago 2017

HOMINEM will take part as a partner in the LEVER UP project, funded by the European Commission, under the ERASMUS + / Strategic Partnership KA2 program.

LEVER UP (Valuing informal learning and transversal competences experienced in the voluntary service to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility) will deepen the development of the outputs already produced by the ‘LEVER’ project (2014-2016). The project will pursue to achieving the following objectives: Continue reading

05Jul 2017

Image_Asist-técnica_ALCOBWe have submitted an offer for providing technical assistance in project management using agile methods and for elaborating a methodological guide of reference for the IT teams of the city council of Alcobendas.

The tender was through the procedure of minor contracts and from this moment our team is ready to perform the service, as soon as the city council makes its decision.

13Jun 2017

ABCM_ConferenceWe are proud to announce that after 3 years of a hard and continuous work, Hominem together with our partners have organised the final conference of our “Agile Based Competency Management (ABCM)” project, last week in Wroclaw/Poland.
It was a very successful event co-organised by the project partners at the University of Business in Wroclaw. An important number of high quality lectures, presentations and workshops took place around the topic of competencies and competency assessment. Continue reading

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